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Use our API for creating your own programs for remote monitor patients

Our evidence-based solution have proven to be a key digital solution for the remote care of patients with any kind of chronic diseases. What makes us unique is the possibility to capture continuous real-time data for any medical device from the home of the patient, even just scan the results with a simple photo. The personalization of the follow-up plan, its ease of use, smart alerts, and real-time measurements make it a unique system. We have managed to provide remote care that has proven to radically improve the quality of life of patients, as well as reducing readmissions by 40% and reducing emergencies by 33%.

Use our solution to monitor elderly patients from their homes and share it with caregivers or other healthcare professionals.

We are helping home care services to connect patients’ health from home, optimizing resources. Did you know that more than 90% of patients rate this service as excellent? With some clients, we have been able to provide them with digitized home care, an automatic recording of measurements, and a follow-up with their families and healthcare professionals.

Fast Integration via API and SDK

We deliver a remote care follow-up based on all the medical devices and wearables into medical records and other platforms through our API integration (or standards such as FHIR or HL7V2). Professionals can log into their own systems and access our connected health platform. We are also the white label of large hospitals and insurance companies.
Our focus is on people
“HumanITcare increased the quality of life of patients, they perform self-care tasks more effectively and feel safer thanks to the constant monitoring available to the medical team.”
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Juan Antonio Franco
Nurse, Hospital Torrevieja
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“HumanITcare gives peace of mind. My health is delivered at home. It is easy and I don’t have to be worried about my complications.”
Miguel Paciente
Miguel F.
73 years old, patient
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“It is a huge advantage that I can monitor my patients from home. They don’t need to come to the hospital, and I can deliver remote care and better assistance. Thanks for an amazing experience!”
Dra Hernandez
Dra. Hernández
Doctor, Hospital of Barcelona
“I am so grateful that my medical team and caregivers can have a detailed remote follow-up of my health. I feel very comfortable. Thanks for making it possible.”
Ana Patient
Ana O.
77 years old, patient
Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU