Recently, the concept of the Liquid Hospital (LH) has gained prominence in healthcare. Specifically, in digital health.
At HumanITcare we believe that this concept is relevant. That is why we want patients to be able to communicate horizontally and fluidly with healthcare professionals who know their health status from home.
This concept refers to the idea that doctor-patient relationships flow horizontally. This allows patients to be much more involved and informed about the evolution of their health status. At the same time, doctors can exchange their impressions in a more communicative way.
However, this concept could not be understood without technology and new ways of working towards a new model of collaboration. A model between doctors, patients and society as a whole.
This concept, taking the hospital home.
What is the role of digital tools?
Digital tools are essential to understand this concept. At HumanITcare we have been clear about this from the beginning. As a result, the solution has been proven to strengthen doctor-patient communication and improve quality of life.
On the one hand, our video call and chat system allows healthcare professionals to communicate with patients whenever and wherever they want. The solution allows patients to automatically download their health report at home. This is key for them to feel informed about their health status.
In addition, to better monitor their health, HumanITcare has smart questionnaires for measuring and assessing quality of life (among others). These are essential to better understand the dynamics of their health evolution. The forms also help to improve adherence to treatment at home.

It is important to note that the concept of Liquid Hospital does not refer to a single institution or hospital. In fact, it is actually about providing continuous assistance and care support to the general public. That is, not only to patients, but to society as a whole.
Digital technologies have become crucial in our daily lives to improve our well-being.