How many of us have thought it’s very impractical to have to go to the hospital to explain to our doctor how we felt last month?
In many cases, the time of the visit is so short that we do not remember many of the details of the evolution of our state of health that are relevant.
At HumanITcare we have managed to considerably reduce the need to go to the hospital in person, allowing visits and rehabilitation sessions through the platform. In addition, the possibility of having much more real-time data on the evolution allows better control of patients. The chat of our platform also brings peace of mind to the patient, knowing that doubts will be resolved and that someone is aware of their evolution, since they have direct contact with the doctor.
At HumanITcare, behind our technology and solution, there is a large team of doctors and nurses who care for and support patients on a daily basis. Our solution supports remote monitoring in a very easy and intuitive way.
Paradigm shift: monitoring our health everywhere
Telemedicine cannot be understood without technology and new ways of working towards a new model of medicine. This is a model that connects in a very simple way to doctors, patients. Telemedicine allows the hospital to come home, giving patients their space and autonomy, improving their mental health while remaining in their comfort zone.
Telemedicine allows better management of the clinic or hospital, optimizing the schedules of professionals, being able to perform rehabilitation sessions at home, being able to monitor the family and at the same time have a normal life, get more health data by doing the same things as always.

Es importante tener en cuenta que la telemedicina ya no es algo del futuro, sino que es nuestra realidad. De hecho, se trata de lograr un equilibrio entre la herramienta digital y el factor humano en la solución propuesta.
No podemos avanzar si es a costa de dejar atrás lo que más definimos como humano, la empatía y la capacidad de relacionarnos para ser más fuertes juntos.
Las herramientas digitales nos permiten lograr cosas que hace unos años parecían imposibles. La realidad es que constantemente estamos mejorando, inventando mejores dispositivos médicos y tratando de innovar, pero aún somos personas que nos gusta hablar entre nosotros, explicarle a alguien cómo está su salud y que no sea un chatbot, poder obtener estar en contacto con un médico cuando lo necesites y poder mantener tus controles incluso si no puedes ingresar a un hospital debido a la situación de pandemia mundial.