This year, 34.750 cases of breast cancer have been diagnosed just in Spain, and according to data from the Spanish Association Against Cancer, one in eight women may develop it during their lifetime.
In HumanITcare we have demonstrated to be the comprehensive treatment of oncology patients and their families is very important, with medical informatics knowledge and human excellence thanks to personalized telemedicine. Our telemedicine solution offers patients convenience, time and money savings, flexible schedules, and access to specialists, and from what many patients and doctors describe, it can be very effective in preventing lower exposure in the clinic or hospital.

We are currently working in several hospitals and clinics with patients undergoing cancer treatment. This collaboration consists in bringing their follow-up at home through remote patient care, the collection of symptom data through our portable electronic devices, recording patient activity for accurate treatment, and, of course, the intangible benefits, but most importantly, the patient satisfaction generated by the possibility of remote monitoring and assistance that make them feel safe all the time.
Moreover, it helps health centers and hospitals avoid crowds and waiting lists. This makes it easier for doctors to do their job of monitoring patients and improving their health and well-being.
It is also important to remember that prevention and early diagnosis have a significant impact on modifying the prognosis of the disease, increasing the chances for a cure by up to 100%. Breast cancer is most often associated with having a painless lump. However, symptoms may vary depending on the specific type of breast cancer. Breast cancer symptoms vary from person to person. It is extremely important to review the symptoms to prevent and detect them early.