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5 reasons to use an API in connected devices for remote patient monitoring

March 7, 2023
4 min
| HumanITcare

“Find out why you should use a connected device API to provide telemonitoring services”


The easiest way to add a new medical module in connected health to your digital system is through API.


It is a reality that patients and users are demanding more connected & remote care services, such as wearables or medical devices (glucometers, smart scales, blood pressure devices…). But there is a big challenge for healthcare providers to really deliver quality access to remote patient monitoring.


The healthcare system is very fragmented, and therefore trying to add new services can be challenging. Simplicity is the key to avoid different providers in a complex healthcare ecosystem, but APIs and SDKs are the solution:


  • Standardization: Medical devices come from different manufacturers, and they often use different communication protocols and formats. This can make it challenging for the teams of the hospitals, insurances or other digital providers to integrate them together. By using an API, you can rely on a standardized interface that makes it easier to integrate devices from different manufacturers. 


  • Efficiency: Integrating medical devices directly can be time-consuming and costly. It is estimated that it takes more than 1 year and a high capital for the integrators, however APIs can help streamline the integration process, saving time and more than the 80% of the cost in the IT department of the hospital or clinic.


  • Scalability: As your healthcare system or hospital grows, you may need to add more medical devices to your network. APIs make it easier to scale your system by allowing you to add new devices without having to reconfigure your entire network. One API, more than 100 wearables connected on humanITcare. 


  • Security: Medical devices often contain sensitive patient data, and it’s critical to ensure that this information is kept secure. By using an API, you can set up secure patient’s data transfer protocols that help protect it.


  • Customizability: APIs can be customized to meet the specific needs of your healthcare system or hospital. You can create custom workflows and dashboards that allow you to monitor and analyze patient data in real-time, which can help improve patient care and outcomes.


Ultimately, using an remote patient monitoring API to integrate medical devices offers a more standardized, efficient, scalable, secure, and customizable approach to healthcare system integration. 


At HumanITcare we have developed a certified medical solution (CE mark) that complies with all data protection regulations and needs that professionals and patients need, to have a quality service remote telemonitoring of patients.


We have prepared this medical solution to be integrated into any digital system using API and SDK in a simple way, adding a new medical module in health connected within your digital system.


After our extensive tour of hospitals, clinics, medical centers and home care services, we continue to evolve to connect people’s health, providing a digital platform for personalized healthcare in the home with a unique and flexible solution.


Our API for remote patient monitoring incorporates many functionalities focused on improving results, boosting growth and providing service security such as:


  • Remote recording of all necessary health data with any medical device on the market.
  • 100% customizable, smart and programmable questionnaires for patients.
  • Remote intelligent warning or alarm system.
  • Video calls and patient schedules.
  • Secure and encrypted chat with smart notifications.
  • Smart patient health reports to share with family members or doctors.


Want to incorporate the solution that is succeeding in hospitals and clinics?

Contact us and one of our digital health specialists will advise you throughout the process to make the implementation a success.